Watch televised sports with fans nearby
Think of it as the AirBnB of televised sporting events.

A community marketplace enabling fans to book a seat to watch their favorite televised sporting event.
MYSPORTIFY connects like-minded sport fanatics and enthusiasts to watch televised sports.
If you're looking for a place to watch your sporting event, or looking for an easy way to monetize a PPV event you ordered, MYSPORTIFY is your answer!
Similar to renting or booking a room through a lodging marketplace; the MYSPORTIFY app allows hosts to sell a seat in their home to a sports fan, and allows sports fans to book a seat with a host.
Create your profile, add your event details, accept booking requests, host your event, and collect your money!
Search for events near you by location or upcoming broadcasts, select a host, book your seat, and enjoy your event with new friends!
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